Elected in 2024, Bubba King is honored to bring balance back to the Yamhill County Board of Commissioners. As commissioner-elect, Bubba remains committed to ensuring that all Yamhill County residents have their voices heard on the tough issues facing our communities.
A resident of Newberg, Bubba deeply invested in the community he calls home. Together with his wife, Sarah, and their two children, Bubba operates Godspeed Hollow, a small family farm.
Bubba has served as President of the Chehalem Valley Chamber of Commerce, where he worked to support local businesses and foster economic growth. He has also contributed to the City of Newberg as a member of the SDC Committee and the Newberg Urban Renewal Agency Citizens Advisory Committee (NURA-CAC). Through these roles, Bubba has helped identify priority projects to enhance business development, incentivize affordable and workforce housing, and preserve the unique character of Yamhill County.
Bubba is committed to building relationships across the county to ensure that every community benefits from strong public safety, economic prosperity, and a high quality of life.
Let's Chat
What hopes do you have for Yamhill County? Shoot me an email at bubba@bubbakingoregon.com. I'd love to sit down for coffee or take a walk with you.